Optimal Dental Care — Providing Comprehensive Patient Care

Optimal Dental Care aims to provide a positive dental experience to all our patients in a warm and caring family environment. We understand that visiting the dentist can be an anxious time for some. We also know that looking after your mouth, teeth, and gums is critical to your overall health and wellbeing.

We strive to provide our patients with comprehensive services to improve their overall quality of life. Whether you’re searching for “emergency dental care near me” or want to learn more about the process behind teeth whitening, Optimal Dental Care is confident that our friendly and experienced team will be able to assist.

Our services

At Optimal Dental Care, we strive to make a real difference in the lives of our patients. As such, we’re proud to provide a wide range of services to meet all of your dental needs.

General dentistry

The best way to prevent significant dental issues is through ongoing preventative maintenance and care. Recognising potential issues early enables us to plan appropriate treatment options that will keep you healthy and pain-free.

Our general dentistry services include:

Dental hygiene: Brushing and flossing twice a day is important but it doesn’t replace a regular clean from a qualified dentist. This service also allows us to identify irritated gums or early signs of periodontal disease.

White fillings: Cavities are quite a common complaint, particularly as patients get older. Without treatment, this form of dental decay can cause pain and facial swelling and potentially require the entire tooth to be removed. White fillings prevent further destruction and provide a natural finished look.

Extraction: There are some situations where tooth extraction is necessary. We understand that this procedure can cause anxiety for some patients, but our high-level of experience and expert anaesthetic techniques aim to minimise stress and pain.

Cosmetic dentistry

Studies have shown that the appearance of our teeth can have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem. With that in mind, cosmetic dentistry services aim to help you look and feel your best.

Teeth whitening: Teeth whitening is becoming increasingly common. However, it’s important for this procedure to only be conducted or prescribed by a trained dentist. A dentist can identify the root cause of yellow or stained teeth and recommend an appropriate treatment.

Resin bondings: Resin bonding is a procedure in which a putty-like material is added to your teeth to alter their shape. It’s particularly effective for those who are concerned about damaged teeth or a disfigured smile.

Porcelain veneers and crowns: Veneers and crowns are two other restoration methods that can improve the visual appearance of your teeth. While veneers involve coating the front of your teeth in a thin layer of porcelain, a crown covers the entire tooth.


You should feel proud of your smile, and orthodontics can help achieve this. While braces, plates, and Invisalign are strategies commonly used for children, adults too can benefit from orthodontic care.

Not only do orthodontic procedures improve the visual appearance of your teeth but they are particularly important for children and teenagers who are displaying signs of jaw problems. At Optimal Dental Care, we work with a number of health professionals to ensure your child benefits from comprehensive, tailored care.

Dental implants

A dental implant is designed to replace a missing tooth. It is more permanent than a denture and involves placing a titanium insert into your jaw bone. Over time, the jaw bone will fuse with the implant. A crown is then attached to fill the gap created by the missing tooth.

Dental imaging

Conducting dental imaging is a critical part of our approach to dental care. Using an intra-oral camera, for example, enables us to fully explain to our patients any concerns we have and how we plan to fix them. Other processes, like dental x-rays and CBCT and OPG imaging, help us to detect problems that may be unseen to the naked eye.

Our practice

You’ll find our practice located at 31 Grosvenor Street, Woollahra. For more information about the cost of treatment or to book an appointment, contact our friendly team today. If you’re searching for “urgent dental care near me” we encourage you to contact us so we can provide tailored and immediate advice.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve an optimal treatment outcome.



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