Orthodontics - Ways To Achieve Your Best Smile

There have been a lot of advancements in dentistry since the inception of the original braces. Maybe it's time to meet with a Dentist in Woollahra to find the best treatment for you! At Optimal Dental Clinic, we take the time to explore all options from traditional braces, plate treatment and even Invisalign to make sure that we get the perfect plan arranged for you.

We also make sure to check for jaw and tooth problems in children as their adult teeth begin to appear so we can prevent possible need for future long and lengthy orthodontic treatment. Early prevention means avoiding teeth removal in the future and helps to keep your children’s teeth healthy. Take a look below to see the various ways your local Bondi Junction Dentist can help you achieve your best smile.


Traditional braces are small metal or porcelain brackets that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth. We then bind the braces to a flexible wire that is used to guide the teeth in the direction we want them to move. It’s important that braces only move the teeth slowly so they can be effective and prevent unnecessary pain for the patient. If the teeth are moved too quickly, it can actually cause damage to the roots and the bone around your teeth.

A skilled dentist in Bondi knows that our teeth need time to move into the correct position and for the bone to readjust around the new position of the teeth. Every single case is going to be different, some people may only require minor adjustments to their teeth and will only need braces for around six months. Where other patients who need major changes including readjustments to the position of their jaw will likely need braces for up to three years.

What is the process?

For patients with multiple issues needing to be fixed by braces, there is a specific order in which your Bondi Junction Dentist will make the changes to make sure they have the desired effect, and that the readjustments actually stick:

Level and Align: The first stage is to move your teeth to make sure that they are all in the correct spot. Teeth may need to move up, down or horizontally and all of this needs to be addressed before moving to the next step.

Bite Issues: The second step is adjusting the braces to correct any bite problems - an overbite, underbite or crossbite. Generally is done by tightening the braces, or by attaching elastic bands to encourage backwards or forward movement in the lower jaw.

Fine Tuning: The final few months of treatment is when Optimal Dental Care will make sure everything is perfect. Any last changes will be made and the braces adjusted to correct them before they are finally removed.


Invisalign is a lot more comfortable and discreet then traditional braces and with good patient compliance, it’s easy to determine just how the results are going to be. Some Invisalign treatments can be completed in as little as 4 months, though as with braces, the complexity of your case could result in it taking longer, closer to 12 - 18 months.

What is the process?

The first thing your dentist in Bondi will do, is take a look at your smile, speak and bite, to determine your facial structure and any issues that there may be with your teeth and jaw. This information will give them everything they need to make a tailored treatment plan for you.

At this point, your dentist will complete 3D scans of your teeth to commence designing your new smile and creating your unique set of aligners, every set of aligners is different to make sure they will be able to create the perfect smile for your teeth and jaw.

Plates and Appliances

Orthodontic treatment can be divided into two phases. Phase 2 deals with the cosmetic alignment of all the adult teeth once they have finished growing, but Phase 1 treatment involves detecting and correcting early jaw problems that are already obvious in children.

While orthodontic appliances and plates are usually applied to correct small problems, they can also be used in the early phase treatment. For example, plates can be used to make sure children’s adult teeth are growing in correctly and to fix any gaps between teeth. Signs that you or your child require orthodontic appliances and plates might include:

●      Extreme tooth movement

●      Gapped teeth

●      Underbite

●      Deep-bite

These problems may be detected earlier but it’s important to catch them at around 6-8 years of age when the adult teeth are starting to appear. At Optimal Dental Care, we have a team of orthodontist specialists, who believe in finding ways to prevent serious dental issues before they occur to prevent teenagers from needing to undergo serious procedures such as tooth removal.

So if you are looking for a Bondi Junction Dentist who can recommend the best orthodontic treatment for you or your children, look no further than Optimal Dental Care. A team of dedicated professionals who will help you ever step on the journey of achieving your perfect smile.


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